2013年11月1日 星期五

【5花雜 [ 10 ] 色.888.讚】-李俊賢創作的五年紀錄

【5花雜 [ 10 ] 色.888.讚】李俊賢創作的五年紀錄
展出 10/30~12/01.茶會 11/2( 六 )   下午3點



李俊賢.Jiunshyan Lee

5花雜 [10]色‧888‧讚/Raw paintingtropical acting

文 / 李俊賢


就我的體會,把一天當中最精華的時間 [最主要是體力]拿來創作的藝術家,大概就有專業的條件 [創作不只有靠體力];就像王建民、陳偉殷也不會上完班才去丟球,專業的藝術家也不太可能上完課還能全力創作。

所以,再度拿畫筆,盡量就是排除外務 [還是很多],用一天最精華的時間創作,在此可能要感謝家人、朋友的體諒,可以做一個免除家事的家長;藝術家相約喝酒,也多半定在晚上九點半以後。總之,再拿畫筆,心態上就是要全力奔向大聯盟,而不是和業餘同好打「拾努比」[慢速壘球],全心全意,以創作為主。

5年來,不斷「實事求是、精益求精」,越畫越有東西畫,越來越深入繪畫的各種層面,以前使用的繪畫語言,把他們經營的更細膩,畫圖的「手感」練得很準,一筆下去,可以是二縫線直球,也可以是指叉球,球要快到讓打擊者反應不及,或是要跑到打擊者死角,幾乎都能掌控。一向很愛用的技術──Hue [],也越練越準,雖然有一點自動技法,並非很好掌控,經過長年鍛鍊,Hue出去的顏料,基本上都可以命中好球帶,想要Hue哪裡,多半可以命中目標,全力Hue下去,球速可能高達140km,顏料撞擊畫布,爆裂出更多色點,眼力、腦力、手力並用,越畫越有精神,有時停下來想一下,自己發展出來的繪畫語言,確實很適合自己的想法和身體。


經過這5年,年紀已邁向60大關,創作上追求的「豪快、熱帶、土地感、海洋、次文化----」等等的Fu,好像有逐漸接近,就像郭泰源的名言:「怕被打,結果會被打得更慘」,坐到畫布前面,基本上就沒甚麼好怕的,很多人覺得很LowOut of trendOut of fashion甚至Out of time的議題,只要用心思考、全力投入,而且自己很愛畫,就放心地給他畫下去,過去20幾年這樣,以後也就繼續吧。


Colorful [10]-888-Praise/Raw painting-tropical acting
5-year-record Creations after leaving the museum being a director

Jiunshyan Lee

From 2004 to 2008, I worked as the director of “Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts” for three and half years. I learned a lot from this position. One of them was I had the chance to contact with many professional arts and I was profoundly realized what Professional meant. After I left there, I started to paint with different feeling from I had before.

In my experience, if an artist spends his most precious time [mostly energy] on creating, he may be regarded as a professional one [although not merely energy]. Taking a professional pitcher Wang Jian Ming and Chen Wei-yin for example, they will definitely not start to pitch after work and neither will a professional artist fully create works after class.

Therefore, after I started to paint, what I tried to do was to cast my external affairs aside [although there were many] and make best use of my precious time to create. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family and friends’ understanding so I can act as a householder who did not have to do housework. When artists want to meet and drink, they often make an appointment at or after 9:30pm. However, after I decided to start to paint, I needed to think I was competing with MLB players, not with amateur players to play “Snoopy” (slow) softball. I needed to be fully dedicated to mainly create my works.

In the past five years, I have kept painting in an attitude of “Seeking truth from facts; endeavoring to perfect my skill.” The more I painted, the more I found I could paint and I got deeper into various aspects in painting. I applied the painting languages I used before to make them more exquisite and practice my “craft” more precise. When I painted my first stroke, it could be my “two-stitch straight ball” or “knuckle ball” so my ball should be faster or slower than the hitter could react, or, I could control my ball well enough to pitch it to the dead corner of the hitter’s. I have always liked to use my skill “Hue” [to throw] and I think I am skillful enough. Although it is a little bit like auto skilled and not easily got well controlled. After long years continuous practices and practices, the pigment of my first stroke “Hue” basically can hit right at the strike zone and wherever I want to throw “Hue,” I can almost hit the target for sue. If I throw “Hue” with all my might, the speed might reach at 140km per pitch. When the pigment hits on the canvas, it would burst out more color points with my eyes, mind and hands at the same time and the more I painted, the more energetic I would be. Sometimes I would stop to think and realized the painting languages of my own I had developed were truly suitable for my own ideas and body.

Since I decided to join the professional route like MLB, I certainly need to face with the markets. These years, I always told the young artists and aborigine artists, “Being a professional artist, we must apply profession to persuade the market, not waiting for the market to persuade us.” Since I did say that, I myself needed to set an example by what I had done to prove what I said. Therefore, when facing with the market, we need to choose the route other than fashion. As to the taste, “Skin Whitening, ”Ammani, LV are surely very popular, however, they all seem foreign stuffs and I am not a foreigner. So I define they do not belong to us. As to the subject, for the time being, everyone likes to be easily self-contented and he keeps doing that, sometimes he will get hurt in his mind so I think I will think up other interesting subject to paint. Although such idea and way I am thinking may not be accepted in a short while and even someone may think it unbearable, it is an option I chose on my own after deep consideration and I think it will be fair in the society in the end and I will still keep working hard.

After these five years, I am going to be 60 soon. My Fu (Feeling) for pursuing “Cool, tropical, land sense, ocean, and sub-culture, etc.” in my creation seem to get closer and closer, just like what Guo Tai Yuan’s famous quote, “If you are afraid to be hit, in the end you will be beaten worse.” When I am sitting in front of a canvas, basically I have nothing to fear. As to the issue that many people would think it “very low,” “quite out of trend,” “out of fashion,” or even “out of time,” only if we think hard and devote ourselves, and we love painting, just paint without thinking too much. I have been doing it for the past 20 years and in the future I will keep doing so.

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  荷軒品藏展 Lotus Art Gallery: The Collection Exhibition 2024/11/8-2025/1/4