2022年1月1日 星期六

吳介凡 ( 阿咪 ) .WU Chieh-Fan


吳介凡 ( 阿咪 ) .WU Chieh-Fan

B.1963- , 台灣宜蘭 Yilan Taiwan


1968~1976年  在壓抑與不悅的嬉遊冒險中渡過童年,深受家族論相法術的影響, 常在旁側觀看。

1977~1982年  遷至台北,歷經家道中落的極貧生活,做過鞋廠小工,擺過路邊攤,念夜間部普通高中。

1983~1985年  花蓮玉里服兵役,管槍械業務,認真看了2年書,深受梵谷傳記感動而對藝術萌生好奇。

1986年  創業,結婚生子。

1988年  周遊歐洲十國,開啟熱愛旅行的人生。

1990年  哥倫比亞大學語言課程 ( ALP )

1991年  紐約設計學院 ( Nation Academy of Design School of Fine Art ),選修人體素描與多媒材雙課程。( 肄業 )

1993年  藝術學生聯盟 ( ART Student’s League ),研修獨立創作。(肄業)

1991~1999年  浸染在西方各大美術館大師作品中

1997年1~6月  伊通公園畫廊服務

1997年  入選台北美術獎

1997~2004年  創立前藝術空間 ( ART Front ),並擔任主持人,共舉辦101檔展覽,為台灣年輕藝術工作者,替代性展出空間,列為文建會重要展出場地。

1999~2006年  任鶯歌陶瓷博物館OT案商場主持人   

 個 展 

2022 「書宴」吳介凡個展,荷軒新藝空間高雄

2020 「一個杜象」吳介凡個展,索卡藝術中心台南

2019 「波伊斯最後的閱讀」吳介凡個展,M畫廊,台北

2017 「新後現代普普興起─破壞的巨力」吳介凡個展,日帝藝術,台北

2012 「穴 THE CAVE」吳介凡個展,藝星藝術中心,台北

    「不要臉書 FACE NO BOOK」吳介凡個展(其玟畫廊策展),A8藝廊,台北

2010 「鄉愁旅店9-11號房 9-11 HOTEL Nostalgie」,吳介凡個展,前藝廊,台北

2009 「拉法葉街57號 57 Lafayette 」 吳介凡個展,小室藝廊,台北

1998 「極限紀念碑」吳介凡個展,前藝術空間(ART FRONT),台北

 聯 展 

2021 One Art Taipei藝術博覽會

2019 高雄國際藝術博覽會,索卡藝術中心

2017 台北國際藝術博覽會,日帝藝術聯展,世貿一館,台北


2016 全球選件網路聯展(吳介凡入選二件作品),沙奇藝廊,倫敦


2015 貴婦百貨聯展- 藝聚空間,Bellavita,台北

     「藝術a路線」- 藝聚空間,福爾摩沙藝博會,寒舍艾麗酒店,台北

2012 台北療育藝術空間聯展,陳文祥、王仁傑、郭弘坤、吳介凡

1997 前藝術空間開幕展 陳順築等13人聯展

    台北美術獎 聯展


1968 to 1976 in the depressed and unhappy adventure through childhood, by the family theory of the impact of magic, often in the side to watch.

1977 ~ 1982 moved to Taipei, after the home in the fall of the very poor life, made shoe factory workers, put the roadside stalls, read the night ordinary high school.

1983 ~ 1985 HualienYuli military service, management of firearms business, seriously read the 2-year book, by theVincent Willem Van Gogh biography moved to the artistic initiation curiosity.

Entrepreneurship in 1986, married and have children.

In 1988 travel around the European countries, open love travel life.

1990 University of Columbia Language Program (ALP)

1991 Nation Academy of Design School of Fine Art, elective sketch and multi-media dual course. (Under study)

1993 ART Student's League, training independent creation. (Under study)

1991 ~ 1999 dip in the major works of the major art museums in the West

1997 ITPARK Gallery services

In 1997 the Taipei Museum Art Award was selected

From 1997 to 2004, ART Front was established and served as host. A total of 101 exhibitions were held for young art workers in Taiwan. Alternative exhibition space was listed as an important venue for the construction of the festival.

1999 ~ 2006 Ying Ge Ceramics Museum OT case host

2008 years to stop many years of catering business, full-time creation so far.

 Solo exhibition 

2022 Book Feast, WU Chieh-Fan's solo exhibition, Lotus Art Gallery, Kaohsiung

2020 UN Duchamp, SOCA Art Center Solo Exhibition of Chieh-Fan Wu

2019 Boyce's last reading, Wu Chieh Fan Solo Exhibition, M Galley, Taipei

2017 The Power of Destruclion, The Rising of New Postmodern POP Art, Wu Chieh Fan solo exhibition, Helios Gallery, Taipei

2012 THE CAVE, Wu Chieh Fan Solo Exhibition, Star Galley, Taipei

    FACE NO BOOK, Wu YuChieh Fan solo exhibition (Chi-Wen Gallery exhibition), A8 Gallery, Taipei

2010 9-11 HOTEL Nostalgie, Wu Chieh Fan Solo Exhibition, Former Gallery, Taipei

2009 Lafayette Street 57, Wu Chieh Fan Solo Exhibition, La Chambre Art Gallery, Taipei

1998 Ultimate Monument, Wu Chieh Fan Solo Exhibition, ART FRONT, Taipei

 Group exhibition 

2017 Art Taipei, Taipei World Trade CenTer,Taipei

    ART Taichung, Millennium Hotels,Taichung

2016 Global Options Network (Wu Chieh Fan selected two works), de Sarthe Gallery, London

    Boss Gallery Exhibition, Kaohsiung Art Fair, Kaohsiung

2015 Group Exhibition, Meet Art Space, Bellavita, Taipei

    Art Route A, Meet Art Space, Formosa Art Fair, Humble HouseTaipei, Taipei

2012 Taipei Arts & Crafts Space Exhibition, Chen Wen-Xiang & Wang Ren-Jye & Guo Hong-Kun & Wu Chieh-Fan

1997 Years before the opening of the art space exhibition, Chen Shun-Chu and other 13 people exhibition

   Taipei Museum Art Awards




  荷軒品藏展 Lotus Art Gallery: The Collection Exhibition 2024/11/8-2025/1/4