2013年4月25日 星期四

盧明德.Lu Ming-Te

1950 出生台灣高雄市。現居高雄市。

1974 國立台灣師範大學美術系畢業
1985 日本國立筑波大學藝術研究所畢業


2021  「大遷徙:盧明德」,台北市立美術館,台灣
       「真偽擬態 」大新美術館,台南市,台灣
2020  「擬態的溫度」,月臨畫廊,台中,台灣
2015  「媒體是一切:盧明德創作研究展」,高雄市立美術館,台灣
2013  「如果歷史由植物書寫」,名山藝術,台北,台灣
2012  「新綠野仙蹤.盧明德個展」,荷軒新藝空間,高雄,台灣
2010   加力畫廊,台南,台灣
2005   台灣新藝,台南,台灣
2002   伊通公園,台北,台灣
2000   龍門畫廊,台北,台灣
1998   伊通公園,台北,台灣
1997   中央大學藝文中心,新竹,台灣
1996   伊通公園,台北,台灣
1995   福華沙龍,台北,台灣
1994   台灣省立美術館,台中,台灣
1993   日辰畫廊,東京,日本
1992   皇冠藝文中心,台北,台灣
1991   伊通公園,台北,台灣
1987   皇冠藝文中心,台北,台灣
1981   永漢國際藝術中心,台北,台灣

2021 「衍 風景」,荷軒新藝空間,高雄市,台灣
2016 「2016關渡雙年展」,關渡美術館,台北市,台灣
2015 「啟視錄:台灣錄像創世紀」,關渡美術館,台北市,台灣
2014  「台北。拾光 第一回新光三越信義燈展」,信義新天,台北市,台灣
2013  「小品.藏」藝術家聯展,荷軒新藝空間,高雄市,台灣
2010-2012  香港蘇富比連續五次參展
2011  「當代名家藝術聯展」,荷軒新藝空間,高雄市,台灣
2010  「變異的風景」,月湖美術館,上海
2009  「講述—海峽兩岸當代藝術館」,中國美術館,北京
2008  「『風‧林‧火‧山』當代藝術四重奏」,百藝畫廊‧台北市,台灣
2007  「燕巢環境藝術展」,高師大燕巢校區,高雄縣,台灣
2006  「國際防風林環境藝術創作展」,台南市,台灣
2005  「潮間帶藝術偵測站2005年年度計畫」,高雄市立美術館,高雄市,台灣
2004  「半島藝術季」,屏東縣文化局.墾丁,屏東縣,台灣
    「[Dream Garden]環境與藝術展」,嘉道理農場,香港藝術中心,香港
    「@rt 聯展」,高雄第一科大,高雄縣,台灣
2003   高雄燈節「文化建醮」,高雄仁愛公園,高雄市,台灣
2002  「性情劇本的符碼」,駁二藝術特區,高雄市,台灣
2001  「土地辯證」,竹田米倉 空門,屏東縣,台灣
2000  「粉樂町」,香港藝術中心,香港
1999  「臺灣檔案」,西班牙ZAPACOAZ市立美術館,西班牙
    「『複數元的視野』台灣當代美術 1998-1999」,北京
    「台北訊息展」,原美術館 A.R.C,日本
1998  「臺灣再塑、文化出航」,省立台南社教館,台南市,台灣
1997  「伊通公園團體展」,台北市立美術館,台北市,台灣
1996  「高雄視覺思維展」,高雄福華沙龍,高雄市,台灣
1995  「台北現代繪畫展」,泰國 曼谷國家畫廊,泰國
    「傳統現代-臺灣當代藝術專題展」,美國 紐約中華文化中心,美國
1994  「都會中的自然」,帝門藝術教育基金會,台北市,台灣
1993  「臺灣美術新風貌 1945-1993」,台北市立美術館台北市,台灣
1992  「從物體開始展」,伊通公園,台北市,台灣
1991 「大阪國際繪畫三年展」,大阪MY DOME,日本
1990  「 I.T.PARK開幕展」,伊通公園,台北市,台灣
1988  「1988中華民國現代美術新展望展」,台北市立美術館,台北市,台灣
1987  「行為與空間展」,台北市立美術館,台北市,台灣
1986 「中華民國青年創作獎」,國立歷史博物館,台北市,台灣
    「SOCA 開幕展」,SOCA 藝術空間,台北市,台灣
1984  「第三十四屆日本現代藝術展」,東京市立美術館,日本
1980  「55&63畫展」,台中市立文化中心,台中市,台灣
1978  「中韓國際親善交流展」,春之藝廊,台北,台灣

1988 台北市立美術館中華民國現代美術新展望獎
1991 第二屆李仲生基金會繪畫創作獎
1992 行政院國家科學委員會獎助赴日研究尖端科技藝術一年
2018 高雄文藝獎

「Media is everything 」2004

2013 高雄師範大學( 燕巢校區) 公共藝術
2011 臺南科學工業園區公共藝術
2010 台灣師範大學公共藝術
2008 高雄縣捷運大寮站、大東站公共藝術
2004 高雄師範大學藝術學院中庭公共藝術「生態符碼」
2003 台北地方法院大廳公共藝術「規矩新象」
2000 板橋車站大廳公共藝術
1998 鳳山市體育公園大門公共藝術


Lu Ming-Te.Biography
1950  born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, lives and works in Kaohsiung.

Education Background  
1974 Bachelor, Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University
1985 Master, Institute of Fine Arts, National Tsukuba University, Japan

Professor, Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Art, National Kaohsiung Normal University.

Solo Exhibition  
2021   “Great Migrations: Lu Ming-Te”`, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan.
          “The Authenticity of Mimicry:Lu,Ming-Te Solo Exhibition” ,  Da-Xin Art Museum, Tainan, Taiwan.
2020   “The temperature of simulacra : Lu Ming-te”`, Moon Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan.
2015   “Media is Everything”`, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art, Taiwan.
          “The Culture Imitation-National Treasure”, Lotus Art Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
2013  “If the History were Written by Plants”, Mingshan Art, Taipei, Taiwan.
2012  “New Wizard of Oz: Exhibition of Lu Ming-Te”,Lotus Art Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
2010  Inart Space, Tainan, Taiwan.
2005  Taiwan New ArtNion, Tainan, Taiwan.
2002  IT PARK, Taipei, Taiwan.
2000  Lung Men Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.
1998  IT PARK, Taipei, Taiwan.
          Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
1997  NCU Art Center, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
1996  IT PARK, Taipei, Taiwan.
1995  Howard Salon, Taipei, Taiwan.
1994  National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan.
1993  Nisshin Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
      Lung Men Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.
      Corner Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.
1992  Crown Theatre, Taipei, Taiwan.
1991  IT PARK, Taipei, Taiwan.
1987  Crown Theatre, Taipei, Taiwan.
      Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan.
      Yellow Emperor Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
1981  Yunghan International Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
      AIT American Cultural Center, Taipei, Taiwan.

Group Exhibition  
2021  Derivation Scenery, Lotus Art Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
    The Interstitiality Of Nature : A Family Exhibtion, Asir art Museum, Tainan, Taiwan.
    Matching of Arts and Walls, Whitestone Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.
    Swinging wind, Ask Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan.
2014  Taipei – Light Snap, 1st ShinKong Mitsukoshi Xin-yi Lanterns Show, Xin-yi Place, Taipei, Taiwan.
NKNU Elegant Art 2014 United Professors’ Exhibition of College of Arts, Art Center of National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
2013  Along Mountain & Coast Line, Lotus Art Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
A Joint Exhibition by Five Artists on the Mountain-Coastal Lines, Lotus Art Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Mona Lisa MIT—We’re all Mona Lisa, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
United Exhibition - Opening of Pingtung Museum of Art, Pingtung Art Museum, Pingtung, Taiwan.
2011 Contemporary Artist Art Exhibition, Lotus Art Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
2010-2012 5 consecutive exhibitions at Hong King Sotheby’s.
2010  Landscape in Variation, Yuehu Museum of Art, Shanghai
2009  bout – Cross Strait Contemporary Art Museum, China Art Museum, Beijing.
2008  “Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountains” Contemporary Art Quartet, Gallery100, Taipei, Taiwan.
Miniature Environmental Art, Tainan, Taiwan.
Pillows Project, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan.
Family Joint Exhibition,Shanghai 498,Shanghai
2007  Yanchao Environmental Art Exhibiton, Yanchao Campus of National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Radical Will Style – diversified dissent of Taiwan contemporary art in 90’s, Soka Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2006  International Windbreaks Environmental Art Exhibition, Tainan, Taiwan.
Taipei Contemporary Ink Biennial Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan.
Art-made Street of old streets at Ne-pu in Pingtung County, Pingtung, Taiwan.
People’s Basement: One “Flower” in 100 “  “ plan, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
2005  Intertidal Art Detection Station 2005 Annual Plan, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Hong Kong Kadoorie Farm & Botanic “Dream Garden“ Environmental Art Document Exhibition, Tainan Municipal Cultural Center, Tainan, Taiwan.
Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taiwan, Tainan, Taiwan.
2004  Peninsula Festival Of the Arts, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Pingtung County, Kenting, Pingtung, Taiwan.
[Dream Garden]Environmental Art,Kadoorie Farm,Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong.
Partial Inclining, Chiayi Raiway Warehouse, Chiayi, Taiwan.
@rt Joint Exhibition,National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology,Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Southern Taiwan Contemporary Art Exhibition, National Cheng Kung University Museum, Tainan, Taiwan.
Starting – 80’s Taiwan Art Development, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan.
Beautiful New World, Hai-on Road in Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan.
2003  Kaohsiung Lantern Festival “Cultural Jian-jiao”, Ren-Ai Park, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Art Jian-jiao, Minquan Road, Tainan, Taiwan.
2002  Codes of temperament script, The Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Ocean Malocclusion, Albergue, Macau.
Artist house, Kaohsiung Municipal Senior High School – Art Road, Office of Arts and Culture of Cheng Shiu University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Tainan Biennale Exhibition, Tainan Municipal Cultural Center, Tainan, Taiwan.
Activity Space – Contemporary Art Exhibition, Art Site of Chiayi Railway Warehouse, Chiayi, Taiwan.
Art Kaohsiung – Nomadic, Flowing, Expanding, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
2001  Land Dialectical, Takeda Rice Warehouse, Buddhism, Pingtung, Taiwan.
Light & heavy shocking, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan.
Mind interpreting, Office of Arts and Culture of Cheng Shiu University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. & Main Trend Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.
Kaohsiung International Container Arts Festival, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
2000  Very Fun Park,Hong Kong Art Center, Hong Kong.
1999  Taiwan Archives, Spain ZAPACOAZ Municipal Museum of Art, Spain.
“Plural Vision” Taiwan Contemporary Art 1998-1999, Beijing.
Modern Art Exhibition, Kaohsiung Municipal Cultural Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Contemporary Los Angeles - style exhibition in Taiwan S, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan.
Taipei Information Exhibition, Hara Museum of Contemporary A.R.C, Japan
Contemporary Art Exhibition, National Museum of History, Taipei, Taiwan.
1998  Taiwan Remodeling, Cultural Voyage, Provincial Tainan Social Education Center, Tainan, Taiwan.
1997  ITPARK Group Exhibition,Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan.
1996  Kaohsiung Exhibition of Visual Thinking, Kaohsiung Howard Salon, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
1996 Gallery Exposition, Taipei world Trade Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
1995  Taipei Modern Paintings Exhibition, National Bangkok Gallery, Thailand.
Traditional Modern - Thematic Exhibition of Taiwan contemporary art, New York Chinese Cultural Center, U.S.A. & Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Contemporary Articles, Kaohsiung Art, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
ROC 1st Modern Ink Painting Exhibition, National Taiwan Arts Education Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
1994  Nature in Metropolitan, Dimension Endowment of Art, Taipei, Taiwan.
Installing Apollo, Lung Men Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.
1994 Gallery Exposition, Taipei world Trade Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
1993  New Appearance of Taiwan Art 1945-1993, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan.
Taichung Gallery Exposition, Taichung world Trade Center, Taichung, Taiwan.
Taiwan Information Exhibition – ROC Contemporary Art, Ka Erma Museum, Sweden. & Yi Sida Swedish Museum of Art, Sweden
1992  Starting Exhibition from Objects, ITPARK, Taipei, Taiwan.
Modern Art Biennale - Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan.
1991  Osaka International Triennial Painting Exhibition, Osaka MY DOME, Japan.
27th Asia Modern Art Exhibition,UENO-NO-MORI, Japan.
International Mail Art Exhibition, ITPARK, Taipei, Taiwan.
1990  I.T.PARK Opening Exhibition, ITPARK, Taipei, Taiwan.
300-year Works Exhibition of Taiwan Fine Arts, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan.
1988  1988 ROC New Prospect Exhibition of Modern Arts, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan.
3rd Asian International Art Exhibition; Fukuoka National Museum of Modern Art, Japan.
ROC Contemporary Art Exhibition, Egyptian Museum in San Jose, California, USA. & National Museum of History, Taipei, Taiwan.
Cutting-edge Technology Art Exhibition Hall, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan.
Times and Innovation Modern Art Exhibition, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan.
1987  Behavior and Spatial Exhibition, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan.
2nd Asia International Arts exhibition, National Museum of History, Taipei, Taiwan. &  National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA), Seoul, Korea.
1986  ROC Youth Arts Award, National Museum of History, Taipei, Taiwan. & East-West Center, Hawaii, U.S.A.
SOCA Opening Exhibition, SOCA Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
New Appearance Exhibition of ROC Modern Painting, National Museum of History, Taipei, Taiwan.
1984 34th Japan Contemporary Arts Exhibition, Tokyo Metropolotan Art Museum, Japan.
1980  55&63 Painting Exhibition, Taichung City Cultural Center, Taichuang, Taiwan. & Tainan Municipal Cultural Center, Tainan, Taiwan.
Lu Ming-te & Kuo Yi-fenDouble Exhibition, Taiwan Shin Wen Daily News Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
1978  International China and South Korea Goodwill Exchange Exhibition, Spring Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan. & Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Seoul, Korea.

Awards Record  
1988 ROC Modern Art New Prospect Award, Taipei Fine Arts Museum.
1991 2nd Li Zhong-sheng Foundation Painting Award.
1992 Went to Japan to study cutting-edge technology arts for one year awarded by National Science Council, Executive Yuan.
2018 Kaohsiung Culture & Arts Award

Main Collections Record  
Five works have been collected by Taipei Fine Arts Museum.
1986  Mt. DaDu II
1988  Antithesis
1991  Game of magician
1992  Evolution and apocalypse
2004  Media is everything
One work has been collected by Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts.
1991  Mystery
One work has been collected by East-West Center in Hawaii.
1986  Mt. DaDu I
One work has been collected by Dimension Endowment of Art.
1990  Subtropical biota

Public Art  
2013 Public Arts at Yan Chao District, National Kaohsiung Normal University
2011  Public art in Southern Taiwan Science Park.
2011  Public art in National Taiwan Normal University
2008  Daliao station and Dadong station of Kaohsiung Rapid Transit.
2004  Plaza Public Art "Ecological Symbols," College of the Arts of Kaohsiung Normal University.
2003  Public Art "Rules & New Ideas," Taipei District Court hall.
2000  Public Art at Ban-Qiao Train Station Hall.
Public Art at the atrium of Kaohsiung Municipal San Min Senior High School.
The first of Beautification Drawing Competition held at atrium open space at Kaohsiung City Government Office building.

1998 Public Art at the gate of Fengshan City Sports Park.



洪民裕.HUNG Min-Yu

洪民裕.HUNG Min-Yu B.1989-,生於高雄