2013年4月25日 星期四

黃銘哲.Hwang Ming-Che


1948 生於台灣
1992 應邀於國立美術館舉行個展—「國王的夢」,並典藏作品
1995 台北市立美術館個展—「夢魘」,並典藏作品—「尊嚴的符號」
1998 高雄市立美術館「創作論壇」—「從結構、解構、再結構的黃銘哲」黃銘哲個展,並典藏立體作品
2001 「千濤拍岸」台灣美術一百年,國立台北藝術大學關渡美術館展出胡永芬、廖仁義策展
2004 「立異—九○年代台灣美術發展」台北市立美術館
2005 二○○五關渡英雄誌台灣現代美術大展,2005 Kuandu Extravaganza Exhibition of Modem Art in Taiwan. 指導單位:教育部/ 國立台北藝術大學/ 關渡美術館主辦
   「非常厲害—設計中的藝術/ 藝術中的設計」台北當代藝術館謝素貞策展
2006 本位, 面對, 第一接觸在北京. 李錫奇VS 黃銘哲  中國  北京798 藝術區 M 藝術空間
   黃銘哲個展  中國國際畫廊博覽會  大趨勢畫廊
2007 黃銘哲個展《時間與空間的撞擊黃銘哲-- 人在北京》北京  中國美術館
   「天行健—中國當代藝術的前沿」方振宇策展,北京  798 亞洲藝術中心
2008 黃銘哲個展《花與鐵鎚》台北  大趨勢畫廊
   中國  北京畫廊博覽會  黃銘哲個展  MING ART畫廊主辦
   「親潮」兩岸架上繪畫新流向「Intimate Trend」Painting from Sichuan and Taiwan 國立台北藝術大學關渡美術館主辦
   「帝國大反擊」The Empire Strikes Bac 印象畫廊當代館
   「中國幻想」CHINESE FANTASIES 鑄造藝術館開幕展黃篤策展北京
2009 中國  北京畫廊博覽會
2010 「千錘百鍊」THOROUGHLY TEMPERED 黃銘哲個展印象畫廊當代館
2011 「百歲百畫」台灣當代畫家邀請展國父紀念館中山國家畫廊國家文化總會主辦
   第26 屆亞洲國際美展「26th Asian International Art Exhibition」韓國.首爾
2012 「非形之形→台灣抽象藝術」台北市立美術館策展人台北市立美術館展覽組劉永仁
   「藝術之立」國際雕塑展.北藝大30 週年.國立台北藝術大學關渡美術館
2013 第27 屆亞洲國際美展泰國.曼谷
   山海線上五人聯展—莊普、黃銘哲、盧明德、曲德義、梅丁衍  荷軒新藝空間  高雄

1948 Was born in Yilan County, Taiwan
1976~80 For the first time oil painting the exhibition sign museum in Taiwan province, the studyabroad trip is at the Europe and America at the same year.
1992 Should be invited to national art museum's holding an exhibition-"the king's dream", and ancient books work.
1995 Taipei municipal the exhibition of the art museums-"nightmare", and ancient books work-"the sign of dignity".
1998 Kaohsiung municipal the art museum"creations forum"s-"from the structure, solution Gou, again structural Huang Ming Zhe" Huang Ming Che exhibition , And the ancient books stereoscopic work.
2001 "thousand big waves clap shore"s Taiwanese art 100 years, art university in national Taipei . Exhibition in the Kuandu museum of Fine Arts.
The Shanghai art museum holds "elegance in Shanghai-Taipei reappears" Hwang Ming-Che Exhibition, and ancient books work"a group of women of east area"
At the Taipei municipal art museum, hold " The creation believes in " Hwang Ming-Che Stereoscopic the exhibition carving of the art work.
2004 "sign a difference-90 age Taiwan art development" Taipei municipal art museums.
2005 Kuandu Extravaganza Exhibition of Modern Art in Taiwan.
Hold "very severe- design in of the design in the art/art" exhibition in MOCA Taipei.
2006 Hold in 798 arts special areas in Beijing, China《basis, face, the first contact is in Beijing》Exhibition.
《China International Gallery Exposition 2006》hold Hwang Ming Che exhibition.
2007 The National art museum of China, holds Hwang Ming Che exhibition《Time and the shot of the bumping of space Hwang Ming Che-person is in Beijing》
2008 Hold Hwang Ming Che in the Maintrend gallery of Taipei exhibition 《flower and hammer》.
《China International Gallery Exposition 2008 》Hwang Ming Che Exhibition.
「Intimate Trend」Painting from Sichuan and Taiwan, Art university in Taipei &Kuandu museum of Fine Arts sponsors.
《The Empire Strikes Back》Insian gallery in Taipei.
《CHINESE FANTASIES 》in Beijing,China
2009 「CIGE 2009」China International Gallery Exposition 2009 in Beijing,China.
2010 《THOROUGHLY TEMPERED》Hwang Ming Che Exhibition in Taipei.
2011 "100 years old 100 painting" the Taiwan contemporary painter invite the Dr. Sun Yat-sen national art gallery ,The council for cultural Affairs in the exhibition National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall to sponsor.
「26th Asian International Art Exhibition」in Korea.
「The Standing Art」International Sculpture Exhibition.Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts,TNUA
INSIN Gallery Taipei .
2013 「27th Asian International Art Exhibition」in Bangkok Thailand.
A Joint Exhibition by Five Artists on the Mountain-Coastal Lines – Tsong Pu , Huang Ming-che , Lu Ming-te, Chu Teh-I , Mei Dean-E Lotus Art Gallery, Kaohsiung




  荷軒品藏展 Lotus Art Gallery: The Collection Exhibition 2024/11/8-2025/1/4