2013年4月25日 星期四

莊 普.Tsong Pu

莊 普.簡歷

1947 上海出生
1978 西班牙馬德里大學畢業
1981 回國定居

2012 第三屆公共藝術獎  台北市政府捷運工程局
2009 伊通公園獲得第十三屆台北文化獎  台北市政府文化局
2007 文建會第一屆公共藝術獎  最佳創意表現獎
1992 台北現代美術雙年展獎  台北市立美術館
1984 中國現代繪畫新展望台北市長獎  台北市立美術

2012 斜角上遇馬遠——2012 莊普個展  大趨勢畫廊  台北
   末日漂流  關渡美術館  台北
   7,034,071,329 之1  加力畫廊  台南
2011 粼粼——莊普個展  國家藝術園區美術館  新竹
2010 莊普地下藝術展  台北市立美術館  台北
   疏遠的節奏  大趨勢畫廊  台北
   遠方的座標——莊普創作展  國立中興大學藝文中心  台中
2008 我討厭村上隆  伊通公園  台北
   莊普2008「弱水三千,只取一瓢」個展  大趨勢畫廊  台北
2005 在遼闊的打呼聲中  伊通公園  台北

1947 Born in Shanghai, China

1978 Graduated from La Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes de San Fernando de Madrid, Spain
1981 Returned to Taiwan, lives and works in Taipei

Prizes and Awards
2012 “The 3rd Public Arts Awards”, Department of Rapid Transit Systems, Taipei City Government, Taiwan
2009 “The 13th Taipei Culture Award” for IT Park Gallery, Taipei City Government Department of Cultural Affairs, Taiwan
2007 “The Best of Creativity,” The 1st Public Art Awards, Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA), Taiwan
1992 “Taipei Biennial of Contemporary Art Award,” Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
1984 “Taipei City Mayor Award for A New Vision of Contemporary Chinese Painting”, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan

Solo Exhibitions (selected)
2012 “Ma Yuan at A Corner: 2012 Tsong Pu Solo Exhibition,” Main Trend Gallery, Taipei
“Drifting Towards An End,” Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei
“One of 7,034,071,329,” Inart Space, Tainan
2011 “Gleamingly Gleaming – Tsong Pu Solo Exhibition,” Art Museum at The Art Park, Hsinchu
2010 “Art from the Underground: Tsong Pu Solo Exhibition,” Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei
“Estranged Rhythm,” Main trend Gallery, Taipei
“Coordinates of The Distance: Tsong Pu Solo Exhibition,” National Chung Hsing University Art Center, Taichung
2008 “I Hate Takashi Murakami,” IT Park, Taipei
“A Flood of Tender Water, I Take One Scoop Only,” Main Trend Gallery, Taipei
2005 “In The Spectacular Snore…,” IT Park, Taipei

Group Exhibitions (selected)
2013 A Joint Exhibition by Five Artists on the Mountain-Coastal Lines – Tsong Pu , Huang Ming-che , Lu Ming-te, Chu Teh-I , Mei Dean-E Lotus Art Gallery, Kaohsiung
2012 “When Spaces Became Events… Dispositive of Modernity in the 1980s, Taiwan” Kaohsiumg
Museum of Fine Arts,Taipei
“Xindian Boys – The determination of Life,” VT Artsalon, Taipei
2011 “26th Asian International Art Exhibition,” Hangaram Art Museum of Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
“Return to the Essence – Survey of Contemporary Abstract Painting in Taiwan part one,” Red Gold Fine Art, Taipei
“Dual Senses and Dynamic Views – Contemporary Art Exhibition across the Taiwan Straits of 2011,” National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
2010 “Every Chalice is a Dwelling Place – Thirteenth Taipei Culture Award ‘IT Park’ Promotional Event,”  Taipei City Hall, Taipei
“Beyond Vision: Highlights of Abstract Paintings from the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts Collection,” National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung
“Taipei Modern Art Exhibition,” Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center of Tamkang University, Taipei
“Loyalty Blessing,” 20th Anniversary Exhibition, Galerie Pierre, Taichung
2009 “Viewpoints & Viewing Points – 2009 Asian Art Biennial,” National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung
2008 “HOME-Taiwan Biennial 2008,” National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung
“Art is Alive,” Busan Biennale 2008, Busan Museum of Modern Art, Busan, Korea
“Contemporary Explorations in Abstraction and Materials,” Impressions Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
“Architecture in Art – OPEN CITY,” Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei
2007 “Generation.Dialog,” Impressions Art Gallery, Taipei
“Beyond the Frontier of Color and Form – Subversion and Reconstruction,” Main Trend Gallery, Taipei
“STROLL,” IT Park, Taipei
2006 “Le Salon 2006,” Grand Palais, Paris, France
“PASS,” Nagoya University of Arts, Nagoya, Japan
“Art Trend in Taiwan, 1950~2000,” National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China




  荷軒品藏展 Lotus Art Gallery: The Collection Exhibition 2024/11/8-2025/1/4