2020年3月27日 星期五

蕭勤HSIAO CHIN.版畫展Print exhibition

Print exhibition : HSIAO CHIN

2020. 4/15 - 6/14
開幕茶會 Opening 4 / 18 SAT. PM3:00


The Omnipresent Energy of the Universe

All the way through, I have been using contemplative mild and integrity, quietly watching the future and development of everything. The invisible yet omnipresent energy completely integrated in the universe which is called "Chi". The "Chi" in my paintings has a lively and varied appearance. "Chi" represents the omnipresent energy of the universe. The creative power of the nature is the vitality and source of the "Chi". With my understanding, interpretation and mastery of "duality", I interpreted contrastive concept creations from virtual and real, dynamic and static, Yin and Yang, strong and weak, limited and unlimited.

Based on the in-depth observation of nature with sensible eyes, back to the origin of the universe, causing the flow of "Chi", and carrying out a metaphysical phenomenological thinking on the existence of everything and even approaches the essence of things by the way of observing the phenomena of the external world, observing the external world from the inner dimension, this is originally a concept of mutual and internal linkage. I look at the natural movements and changes in microscopic phenomena from a macro perspective, feeling the strong fluctuations of "Chi" in the boundless horizon of time and space; seeing the natural power of chaos. I am more aware of the infinite tension of the vast universe and nebular space which reflect the experience of life. Natural phenomena and everything in the universe are the inspiration sources at any time of my creation.

1990年,人生無常的變化讓我驟然失去女兒Samantha,在經過一段時間的自我心緒沈澱之後,我 悟出了當生命在此生結束,便走入「無限」的大境之中,生命能量循環往復,永不消失。於是透過繪畫敘說我的情感,經由繪畫及自我意識的不斷錘煉,追求一種超越生死侷限、天人合一的廣闊境界。度大限系列即是此時期的繪畫主題,是對生命真諦的體悟及永恆性的探討,呈現我經由性靈默想尋求超越與昇華的心境變化。以在精神上極富東方生命哲學的「輪迴」內涵及宗教性的救贖,在刻骨傷懷但永不絕望的生命思考中,參破生死界線,並理解一切的不幸、死亡,終將在毁滅後重生。當經歷且參透了之後,終於明瞭,永恆的生命,並不僅僅只有此生、此世,而是在於生死「大限」度過後的化外光明彼岸。 
In 1990, the impermanence of life caused me to suddenly lose my daughter Samantha. After a period of organizing my thoughts into calmness, I realized that when life is over at this cycle, it will enter the "infinite" territory, the cycle of life energy will never disappear. Therefore, I described my emotions through the paintings, through the continuous tempering of painting and self-consciousness pursuing a broad realm that transcends the limits of life and death and the unity of nature and human. "Passage Through the Great Threshold" is the theme of painting in this period. It is a discussion of the real understanding and eternity of life. It shows the mindset change that I was seeking to transcend and sublimate through the spiritual and meditation. With the "Samsara" connotation and religious salvation in the spirit of the oriental life philosophy, in the bone-deep wound but never despair of life thinking, I broke the boundaries of life and death, and understanding all the misfortunes and deaths that will eventually be born again after the destruction. Once I have been through such heart-wrenching experience and understand the nature of it, it finally dawns on me that life is eternal and does not end with death. Rather, the seed of eternal life continues to grow on the brighter end of the “Great Threshold”.

The specific touch of color in the paintings of "Samantha nel giardino eterno" represents Samantha is always the most special and outstanding to me, no matter whenever or wherever she is. So; I drew so many beautiful gardens for her in order she could strolling in the eternal garden. The artist's mind is far more profound than the normal person. I have very deep memories under such bright colors, perhaps the heartfelt astonishing beauty came from my creation with deep feelings.

In 1996, I went to teach at Tainan National University of The Arts from Italy then retired in 2005. After 14 years I have been awarded Honorary Doctorate Degree and hold a solo exhibition at College of Visual Arts - where I had been teaching for many years. The implication it represents as I mentioned in my painting: "No matter how far or how deep the distance is, there are meaningful connections between each other as long as there is communication or consensus."

2020年,我85歲了,一系列的展覽,我親提『新能量』為主展題,在我的基金會之藝術中心同時發起『New Punto藝術運動』。藉由當初發起此藝術運動之初衷,結合各類的藝術工作者,喚醒有良知者的本性,把日益侵蝕人心的貪婪、粗暴和不良心機以藝術之能量消弭殆盡,讓世界能恢復我們嚮往之平和安樂的樣貌。 
I will be 85 years old in 2020. In a series of exhibitions, I personally introduced the "New Energy" as the main exhibition topic. At the same time, I launched the "New Punto Art Movement" at the Art Center of my Foundation. By initiating the original intention of this art movement, combining various types of artists, awakening the conscience of human nature, to let the increasing eroding greed, rude and bad heart that is increasingly eroding the people will be eliminated by the energy of art, allowing the world to restore our yearning appearance of peace and happiness.

蕭 勤,2019.11月於高雄
Hsiao Chin, November, 2019 in Kaohsiung





  荷軒品藏展 Lotus Art Gallery: The Collection Exhibition 2024/11/8-2025/1/4