2019年11月8日 星期五



作者: 林鴻文




態 度


隨 心


歷 程



The Fluidity of Life in a Crevice
Author:  Hong-wen LIN
Professor, Department of Fine Arts, Tainan University of Technology

As an instinctive bringer of beauty, he wonders amongst willful mirages. He is an observant monk traversing the space between heaven and earth. He is an actor, indulging in the delightful creases of sentient norms.

In the prophetic depth of his spirit lies the crux of his sculptural expressivity. He has always strived to elicit a sense of “visuality” from his stone sculptures, and in such way that highlights the poise an equilibrium between imageries. This is exactly what he desires. To synthesize a spirit of clarity from all that is natural and material.

What comes from nature returns to nature. An artist’s life is something that has been preordained and meticulously honed. Prior to being summoned, destiny is a neglected potential hidden in a corner. However, once it has been given the requiredstimulation and momentum to advance, its innumerable signs or cipher would eventually settle into their respective places.

Making art is an endless affair that often presents itself as a seemingly sensible framework or state. To be absorbed by this state is to enter a realm where the made and the deconstructed are one and the same. This forms the basis that allows his “spirit-body” to reconstruct from nothingness.


When an artist looks at himself and his actions with honesty, attitude is the only thing that stands out. Meng-chang WU’s attitude is a continuous process of extraction and deduction that speaks to artist’s core value and resolve. As the artist embarks on a life journey to see the unseen and to know the unknown, he takes the preordained“stance of interstitiality” to a whole new level, be it light as a feather or heavy as a boulder. 

Meng-chang’s artwork investigates the fine tolerances between lightness and heaviness. He diverts worldly matters into nature, then replaces the “secular” with said nature. By doing so, he introduces a certain type of ulterior silence. If we were to measure this silence, we may uncover a sense of “stillness” from within the artist. This is a stillness that takes extraordinary mental determination to maintain. To achieve it, one must distill and multiply the summation of knowledge by subverting, questioning,overturning, establishing and balancing of linguistic statements.

Freedom of the Heart

Embracing the method of non-method while reading his own daily introspection,
Meng-chang holds close to his heart and art the belief of simplicity. Leading a finely distilled life allows him to spend more time on what he cares about the most, which is to see the world though the lenses of his work. This may seem trivial to some, but this so called “triviality” that is associated with his art practice does matter in a sense that they are a series of decisions based on fermented realities, forming an exchange that opens up the possibility for renewed contemplation. In this space, Meng-chang is able to effortlessly traverse a conscientious ground of illusion as he draws nothingness out of something, and pulls something out of nothingness. As Meng-chang looks at reality head-on, his unconstrained outlook on life also allows his persistence to operate with freedom in a vast and open field.

By meticulously honing the tendons and bones that bring together his heart and stones, he allows his thoughts to gradually seep into his work. At last, the minute contingency lingering in the present can be seen as Meng-chang’s life lesson, which cannot be sustained without an open heart. All the above may be summed up in Meng-chang’s recent bodies or work. They function within the tolerance created by the crisscrossing of phenomena and mental imageries. They are moments carved from the freedom of one’s heart.

An artist who confronts life head-on is capable of eluding its normalizing entrapment. Much like an eagle escaping from a cage, Meng-chang advances forward by ridingon a sensorial updraft. While the ability to perceive feelings has largely degraded among the general public, it is precisely this sensory prowess of his that allows him to retain a tangible innocence. In other words, he has established a newfound standard derived from the accumulation of lived experiences. As he restructures himself after challenging the venerable norm, he stands out from the rest by his relentless actions in the scope of art-making and his attempt to place human thoughts within the realm of everything . 

As an artist who dedicates his life in search of remote sensorial fluidity, he seeks to project both phenomenological truths and falsities onto the realities of his thought process and artwork. He fearlessly takes on the many challenges on his artistic venture, and if it were not for his masterful handling of emotional weights, then his relationship with stones would surely be unsustainable. As every possibility and choice happen within the tolerance between a mountain and a feather, perhaps we can say Meng-chang and his work have arrived at a point where beauty and perfection have amalgamated into an instinctual second nature.





  荷軒品藏展 Lotus Art Gallery: The Collection Exhibition 2024/11/8-2025/1/4