2021年4月23日 星期五

陳浚豪.CHEN Howard ( CHEN Chun-Hao )

陳浚豪 CHEN Howard ( CHEN Chun-Hao )
1971年出生於台灣南投 Born 1971 in Nantou, Taiwan
學 歷 
1996 國立藝術學院美術系,台北,台灣
1998 國立台南藝術大學造型研究所,台南,台灣

個 展 
2020 「仙路迢迢」,耿畫廊,台北,台灣
2018 「蚊釘山水」,新美術館,輕井澤,日本
2017 「天圓.地方.非人間」,耿畫廊,台北,台灣
2014 「還我河山」,耿畫廊,台北,台灣
2011 「蚊釘山水」,耿畫廊,台北,台灣
2010 「之乎者也個展」,非常廟藝文空間,台北,台灣
2007 「迷宮個展」,非常廟藝文空間,台北,台灣
2006 「花花帳個展」,台東鐵道藝術村,台東,台灣
2002 「瀉銀個展」,華山藝文特區,台北,台灣
2001 「個展—潛在氛圍」,台北市立美術館,台北,台灣

聯 展 
2018 「捕夢島」,樸石畫廊,台中,台灣
2016 「近墨者」,雙方畫廊,台北,台灣
2015 「非人間—陳浚豪蚊釘山水」,中藝博國際畫廊博覽會,北京,中國
   「2015 台灣藝術家博覽會」,花博爭艷館,台北,台灣
2014 「 台灣美術家『 刺客列傳』1971-1980—六年級生 」,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣
   「文字召喚-當代畫語錄 」,中華文化總會,台北,台灣
   「台北國際藝術博覽會 」,世界貿易中心,台北,台灣
   「復辟 vs 挪用經典:VT Art Salon & am space台港交流展 」,VT Art Salon,台北,台灣
   「藝術登陸新加坡博覽會 」,新加坡濱海灣金沙會展中心,新加坡
2013 「從巔覆真實到創造真實:解嚴以後的台灣當代藝術」,亞洲現代美術館,台中,台灣
   「OPEN 16 開放:國際雕塑藝術暨裝置戶外展暨旗幟計畫案」,Venezia Lido, Isola di San Servolo,威尼斯,義大利
2012 「上海藝術博覽會國際當代藝術展」,上海展覽中心,上海,中國
2011 「上海藝術博覽會國際當代藝術展」,上海展覽中心,上海,中國
2010 「漢字藝術展」,今日美術館,北京,中國
2009 「228美展」,高雄,台灣
2008 「粉樂町」,台北,台灣
2007 「大隘藝術節」,新竹,台灣
   「In Art, Tainan開幕聯展」,加力畫廊,台南,台灣
2006 「228美展」,宜蘭縣史館,宜蘭,台灣
2005 「觀音聽色」,上雲藝術中心,高雄,台灣
   「228美展 」,高雄市立美術館,高雄,台灣
2004 「海安路藝術介入計畫-美麗新世界」,台南,台灣
2003 「亞洲城市城市網路」雙年展,漢城,韓國
2002 「DREAM 2002/The Red Mansion Foundation」,Oxo Tower Wharf,倫敦,英國
2001 「Insist & Resist」,赫德蘭藝術中心,舊金山,美國
1998 「視域游離」聯展,新生態藝術環境,台南,台灣
1997 「烏山頭聯展」,台南藝術大學,台南,台灣
1996 「關渡優秀文藝青年展」,淡水藝文中心,台北,台灣
1995 「素度」攝影聯展,爵士藝廊,台北,台灣

CHEN Howard ( CHEN Chun-Hao )
Born 1971 in Nantou, Taiwan

1996 BFA, Fine Arts Department, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei ,Taiwan
1998 MFA, National Tainan University of the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan

Solo Exhibitions 
2020 Meandering Toward The Clouds, Tina Keng Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 Mosquito Nail Shan Shui, New Gallery, Karuizawa, Japan
2017 Once Upon An Otherworldly Realm, Tina Keng Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 Reclaiming the Lost Territories, Tina Keng Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2011 Mosquito Nail Shan Shui - the Artworks of Chen Chun-Hao, Tina Keng Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 The Way of Nailing, VT Art Salon, Taipei, Taiwan
2007 Maze, VT Art Salon, Taipei, Taiwan
2006 Flower Tent, Taidung Artist Village, Taiwan
2002 Aura Beyond III, Stock 20, Taichung, Taiwan
   Aura Beyond II, Huashan Arts District, Taipei, Taiwan
2001 Aura Beyond, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan

Group Exhibitions 
2018 Group Exhibitions, Corner Stone Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
2016 Ink Gene, Double Square Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
   Hsinchu International Land Art Festival - Post-Hsinchu, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2015 Transcendence: Mosquito Nail Shan Shui: Chen Chun-Hao Solo Exhibition, CIGE, Beijing, China
   2015 Artist Fair Taiwan, Pavilion of Aroma of Flowers, Taipei, Taiwan
   Copyleft: China Appropriation Art, Power Station of Art, Shanghai, China
2014 “The Pioneers” of Taiwanese Artists 1971-1980, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
   Taipei South Town Art Festival 2014 —The Contemporary Art of Chinese Characters, The General Association of Chinese Culture, Taipei, Taiwan
   Art Taiepi 2014, Taipei World Trade Center, Taiwan
   China International Gallery Exposition 2014, China World Trade Center, Beijing, China
   Remaster vs Appropriating the Classics : VT Artsalon & am space –Taiwan & Hong Kong Exchange Exhibition, VT Artsalon, Taipei, Taiwan
   Art Stage Singapore 2014, Tina Keng Gallery, Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Center, Singapore
2013 Group Exhibitions, Asia University Museum of Modern Art, Taichung, Taiwan
   Art Taiepi 2013, Taipei World Trade Center, Taiwan
   OPEN 16. International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, Venice Lido and Island of San Servolo, Venice, Italy
   Horizon Realm, Tenri Cultural Insitute, New York, USA
   Art Beijing 2013, Tina Keng Gallery, National Agriculture Exhibition Center, Beijing, China
   Art Stage Singapore 2013, Tina Keng Gallery, Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Center, Singapore
2012 SH Contemporary 2012, Shanghai Exhibition Center, Shanghai, China
   Yes, Taiwan-2012 Taiwan Biennial, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
   CRUSH on EMU, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
   Manifestation of Homunculi, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
   Contemporary Appropriations of the Past, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
   China International Gallery Exposition 2012, China World Trade Center, Beijing, China
   Art Beijing Contemporary Art Fair, National Agriculture Exhibition Center, Beijing, China 
2010 SH Contemporary 2011, Shanghai Exhibition Center, Tina Keng Gallery, Shanghai, China
   Creating Spaces-The 5th Anniversary of VT, VT Artsalon, Taipei, Taiwan
   TINA KENG GALLERY BEIJING, Tina Keng Gallery, Beijing, China
   China International Gallery Exposition 2011, China World Trade Center, Beijing, China
   People’s Republic of China-Republic without people, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
   YES TAIWAN: 2010 Taiwan Biennial, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
2010 Arts of Chinese Character, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
   New landscape, moving ink painting, Nou Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
   Mingling with the Palace Museum, In-ART, Tainan, Taiwan
2009 Memorial of 228, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 
   Art Festival of Chinese Characters, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 MOT/ART opening exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan 
   Abstract and Material, Impression Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
   Harmony in Diversity, Asia Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan
   2008 Very Fun Park-I love cactus, graniph, Taipei , Taiwan
2007 Da-Ai Art Festival, Hsinchu, Taiwan
   In ART, Tainan Opening Group Show, Inart Space, Tainan, Taiwan
   Art Exhibition of National 228 Memorial Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2006 228 Art Exhibition, Yilan, Taiwan 
   Group Exhibitions, Taipei, Taiwan
   Taipei/Taipei Views and Points, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
   Vibrations, Fubon Art 19th, Taipei, Taiwan
2005 Group Exhibitions, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
   228 Art Exhibition, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan
   The Bangkok Invisible Landscapes, The Art Center, Center of Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
   Membrane onto Magic, Musem of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2004 Street Art Exhibit, Tainan Hai-An Rd., Taiwan
   Simplicity Group Show, Tainan Chen-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
2003 City_Net Asia Biennial, Seoul Museum, Korea
   Street Art Exhibit, Tainan Minchun Rd., Tainan, Taiwan
   New Generation, Arts in Trend Gellery, Taiwan
2002 Dizzy Island: Group Show, Pier 2 Arts District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
   DREAM 2002:The Red Mansion Foundation, Oxo Tower Wharf, London, UK
2001 Insist and Resist, Residency Artist – Headlands Arts Center, SFO, USA
1998 Between Visions, New Phase Arts Gallery, Tainan, Taiwan
   New Century Sculpture Exhibition, Chenkung University, Tainan, Taiwan
   Hole Idea, Front Arts Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
1997 Wu-Shan-Tou Group Show, Tainan, Taiwan
1996 Kuan-Du Youth Group Show, Danshei Cultural Center, Taipei, Taiwan
1995 Scale of Simplicity, Jazz Photo Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan




  荷軒品藏展 Lotus Art Gallery: The Collection Exhibition 2024/11/8-2025/1/4